General Information

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Daniel Woodbury

My name is Daniel. I joined these other weirdos when I found some YouTube videos and learned all the moves in a couple of weeks.
Ok... Not really. I learned with my brother Paul how to make balloons over 9 years ago and we've made a rip roaring time of it ever since. I love new challenges, even if the balloon art can be a bit rough on the first try. I am most proud of my balloon tuba and french horn, which I made up on the spot, but I've also mastered over a hundred designs.
I am blissfully married to my wife and am currently studying physics. Together we are preparing to have more adventures while I go to grad school over the next few years.
Outside of balloon tying I have a few more hobbies: I love to sing and have participated in the BYU Men's Chorus for the past 4 years. My wife and I also enjoy rock climbing and watching Dr. Who together.

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