General Information

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Nick Evans

[balloons.JPG]Hey y'all! My name is Nick Evans and I'm a balloon guy! I've been making balloon animals for 7 years (or thereabouts) now. I'm a firm believer that NO ONE is too old for balloon animals and have dedicated lots of time to learn animals that even adults enjoy.

I love corny jokes. For example: How many octopi does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 1/8th. Its only fitting then that I am also studying to be a professional animator. The movie industry, unfortunately, has yet to make balloon animal movies.

I can make everything except for a computer virus and polio out of balloons and I'm always up for a challenge, but beware the results if you challenge me!

I can be reached at the companies email: or possibly by popping 3 large balloons and chanting into the mirror, "I want more balloons." (I'm just kidding. That won't work, just shoot me an email!)

Buenas (Dias|Tardes|Noches)! Me llamo Nick Evans y soy artista de los globos! Eso significa que puedo hacer animales de los globos! He trabajado por 7 años y por eso sé que NADIE es demaciado viejo por un animal del globo y he dedico mucho tiempo a fin de aprender hacer animales que aún los adultos más serios disfrutan.

Me encantan los chistes! Por ejemplo: ¿Porque no puede caminar el pato viudo? ¡Porque no tiene pata! Tambien quiero hacer peliculas animadas porque no hay muchas peliculas de animales de los globos.

Me pueden contactar por el correo electronico:

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